• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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It's rare to see a pegasus with a bat pony for a mother, but Scootaloo wouldn't have it any other way and neither would Night Crescent. But the road to their relationship was hardly an easy one to travel, full of it's own pitfalls.

Follow the story of how Night Crescent came to adopt Scootaloo and what they had to fight to get there.

A Skitchverse story.

Cover art by GatesMcCloud.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers

Additional tag: Anthology

A compilation of stories happening in the universe of Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers. They will be about anything, anytime in the timeline, canon or not.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Fear of Baba Yaga

Sometime has passed since the Court with Tirek, many Ponies are scared about who this John Wick was.

But Discord he was aware of what would happen, he knows what John will be doing and no creature can say otherwise.

Chapters (1)

An imaginary friend. That is what Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had decided the mad pony in the box was, but the raggedy doctor was far more than that. When the supposed-imaginary Doctor appears in present day Ponyville, looking as though mere seconds has passed since they last saw him, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are in for some very real trouble.

((Heavily inspired by the Doctor Who episode "The Eleventh Hour," as such it will contain plenty of references but the story goes in its own direction. Conceived as an 'episode' with subsequent sequels acting as other episodes in a larger series.) )

Chapters (5)

Memories. Sunset's never had all of them. She can't remember anything before the day Princess Celestia found her collapsed in a garden as a child. Over the years, she's come to terms with it. It didn't matter where she came from or what her life had been before...right?

But since the Friendship Games started, Sunset's been having odd dreams, nightmares of a house on fire, a name of a friend she never had. Dreams of time and space, dreams of a small man with an umbrella.

Sunset Shimmer's life proves to be far less straightforward and far more complicated than anyone ever imagined.

A crossover between Equestria Girls and Classic Doctor Who.

Special thanks to EchoWing and Setokaiva for being a sounding board and proofreader. Without them, this story wouldn’t be here.

Playlist of an in-progress reading done by the author.

Chapters (6)

After attempting to impress the judges during her entrance exam for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, something transpires that alters Twilight's life irrevocably, as well as the destiny of all Equestria. In a very literal manner, Twilight metamorphoses into the embodiment of magic, much akin to how Discord embodies chaos. How will this unprecedented transformation shape forthcoming events? And how will Twilight grapple with mastering the newfound god-like abilities that have been unexpectedly thrust upon her?

Chapters (2)

Ever since she arrived in the human world, Sunset bullied and blackmailed her way to the top of the high school food chain. After her defeat at the Fall Formal, she was ready to be insulted and mistreated. She's stunned to find her classmates are actually being nice to her instead.

Chapters (19)

2 months after the infamous Mystable incident, Sunset has decided to temporarily leave the human world after the harsh treatment that she received from her former friends after being framed. After a while of pondering, our fireheaded girl finally decided that it's time to head back and hopefully try to move past it and to give her friends another chance. But once she arrives back to CHS, she is met with the most heartbreaking news.........................................one of the Rainbooms killed themselves. With the funeral to commence at the end of the week, Sunset wonders if she's ready to forgive the remaining Rainbooms and the CMC's out of fear of one of them following suit later on.

Chapters (9)

The Wonderbolts realized they wronged Rainbow after falsely accusing her for sending Spitfire away. Knowing what they did was wrong, Soarin and the others try to fix their mistakes at the urging of Spitfire. Even if they didn't get ordered by their captain, they were going to apologize anyway. They quickly find out forgiveness isn't just given out.

Chapters (2)

An emotionally devastated and homeless Sunset seeks shelter in one of the most scariest and most avoided areas in Canterlot during a winter storm, Hillhurst Manor on the edge of the Everfree Forest. At least all of those stories of monsters are just because humans fear the dark and avoid what they don’t understand, right? Maybe not, and now because of a careless wish made during distress, Sunset is stuck having to return creatures from a comic series back to the pages they spawned from before the wish can be broken. At least she will have allies, even if they were the least expected as well as becoming part of a very unconventional family.

Proofread and a lot of help finalizing ideas from Sunny Scriber.
Cover art by Cotton whose twitter is https://twitter.com/smolducko.

Chapters (5)